Joeseph Steinen Wildlife Area

The Joseph Steinen Wildlife Area is one of several key protected natural areas along the southern shoreline of Lake Erie.  This 155-acre natural area protects an extraordinary freshwater marsh and uplands rich in critical wildlife food and cover.

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Year-round local inhabitants such as American Bald Eagles and White-tailed Deer depend upon the uplands and marshlands for food and shelter during harsh Ohio winters. In cooperation with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, youth hunting and trapping is permitted at Steinen Wildlife Area on a lottery basis.

The Steinen Wildlife Area acquisition was made possible through partnership effort in 2003 between the Trust for Public Land, The Nature Conservancy, Erie MetroParks, local landowners and community leaders, the Clean Ohio Conservation Fund, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program, along with Senator Mike DeWine and State Representative Marcy Kaptur.




4501 Cleveland Rd West Huron, Ohio

Park Hours

8:00 AM – Dusk

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