"The eyes of all future generations are upon you..."


The Erie MetroParks Conservation Club is designed for students in grades 8th-12th to help educate and give hands on experiences with various conservation efforts within the park system. Students will be lending a hand with conservation efforts such as invasive species removal, trail maintenance and nest box monitoring and earning community service hours in the process.

All programs are for grades 8 – 12 and have a participant limit of 20 students. Community service hours will be earned during all programs. Registration is required. Call our offices to register!



Invasive Species Removal

10am-2pm • Osborn MetroPark
Help the Park Naturalists remove Chinese Winter Creeper from the Southwoods Trail and learn what makes this invasive so harmful to our forests. Lunch will be provided.



Great Backyard Bird Count

9am-1pm • Osborn MetroPark
Join Naturalist Mike for the Great Backyard Bird count. This is a worldwide citizen science project that helps to record bird species seen over a four-day period. Lunch will be provided. Don’t have binoculars? Borrow a pair of ours!



Maple Sugaring

10am-2pm • Osborn MetroPark
Lend a hand with Erie MetroParks Maple Sugaring. Learn to identify healthy maple trees to tap, as well as how to make maple syrup. Lunch will be provided.



Animal Care

10am-2pm • Osborn MetroPark
Lend Park Naturalists a hand with taking care of our animal ambassadors. We will get up close and personal with our education animals and see what it takes to help maintain and take care of these critters. Lunch will be provided.



Bay Clean Up

10am-2pm • The Enchanted Cottage at Eagle Point
Students will learn about how important Ohio’s waterways are and why we try to keep them clean. We will pick up trash in the water by kayak, as well as along the coastline. Be prepared to get wet. No flip flops please. Lunch will be provided.



Blue Bird Boxes

10am-2pm • Osborn MetroPark
Students will learn all about the Eastern Bluebird and how we help maintain a healthy bird population with nest boxes. Get hands-on experience watching and monitoring these boxes. Lunch will be provided.



Moth Survey

7pm-11pm • Edison Woods
Learn about some of the moths that call Ohio home and what Erie MetroParks is doing to track and monitor species within our parks. We will bait and attract moths and record the species we find. Moth species we identify will go into Erie MetroParks’ conservation reports. Snacks will be provided.

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