In 2021 the Board of Park Commissioners unanimously voted to establish a new nature center for Erie County citizens. The new building is located at Osborn MetroPark, the current headquarters of Erie MetroParks. The Roger Johnson Nature Center hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 10AM-4PM. The nature center is closed Sundays and Mondays.
The Roger Johnson Nature Center is now open!.
When deciding whether to renovate the current Frost Center facility, an old prison farm, or construct a new facility, a needs assessment revealed the older facility to be beyond economical repair. While Erie MetroParks utilized their own capital funds, park officials offset costs by seeking state funds, local grants, and sponsorships. A fundraising campaign was also set up and any residents wanting to support the new nature center could do so.
The new nature center includes educational classrooms, built-in live animal areas, a turtle pond, community space, a library, murals, interpretive panels, and a window-in-nature viewing area. Energy efficiency is a priority to minimize environmental impact.
With over 40,000 annual visitors to Osborn MetroParks, the Roger Johnson Nature Center will enable Erie MetroParks to better serve their visitors and continue the mission of “connecting the community with nature through education and exploration.” The Board of Park Commissioners and park officials are truly excited to bring Erie County residents a beautiful space for all residents that will serve them for generations to come.
The new Nature Center would not be possible without the steadfast support of our Board of Park Commissioners, Erie County residents, community partners, and the many donors. THANK YOU to the following contributors:
Margaret M. Murray, Phil & Maureen Engeler, Larry Fletcher, Steven F. Smith, Diane & Karle Nolte, Kiwanis Club of Sandusky, The Bettcher Foundation, Don Miears, Michael Heydinger, Carole A Dreffer, Gundlach Sheet Metal Works, Inc., Edward Jones & Co., and all the others that gave.