Erie MetroParks is a separate political subdivision of the state of Ohio and is governed by the Board of Park Commissioners. Erie MetroParks Board of Park Commissioners is composed of three citizens who serve three-year terms without compensation. Board members are appointed by the presiding probate judges of Erie County.

2025 Board of Park Commissioners
Don Miears (Chair)
Margaret Murray
Troy Wisehart
Board Meeting Minutes
Choose a year then select the month to view meeting minutes.
2025-2026 Meeting Schedule
The Board of Park Commissioners of Erie MetroParks has established the following Meeting Schedule for 2025. Regular meetings of the Park Commission are scheduled to be held at 1:00 PM on the second Wednesday of each month in the Margaret M. Murray Conference Room at the Roger Johnson Nature Center located at Osborn MetroPark, 3910 Perkins Ave., Huron, Ohio, unless otherwise announced. The meeting schedule may be revised as the need arises. Additional special or emergency meetings may be held and will be announced as provided by law. Those who plan to attend a meeting of the Park Commission should contact the Erie MetroParks Roger Johnson Nature Center Reservation Office for the latest information. All meetings of the Board of Park Commissioners are open to the public. According to Article V of the By-Laws of the Board, all petitions, applications, communications, or business intended for consideration by the Board not presented by a Park Commissioner or the Executive Director shall be in writing to be placed on the agenda of the meeting and shall be delivered to the Executive Director at the Osborn MetroParks Frost Center at least 24 hours in advance of any meeting. The Park Commission may, however, waive this requirement at its discretion. For additional information, contact the Roger Johnson Nature Center at 419-625-7783, Ext. 221 during regular business hours.
Biennial Report
Erie MetroParks compiles and publishes a biennial report that highlights achievements from each of the districts departments. The purpose of this report is both to generate excitement and provide transparency about how Erie MetroParks delivers on its promises to the people of Erie county. Click the image to view the biennial report for years 2021 – 2022.